Documents » Student and Parent Handbook

Student and Parent Handbook





FRONT OFFICE: Contact with general questions about the school, how to enroll, daily schedule, attendance and/or afterschool activities.

  • 504-373-6290

SCHOOL CULTURE ASSISTANT PRINCIPAL: Contact with questions about school discipline.

  • Cherelyn Poe, Assistant Principal Grades K-5

BULLYING POINT OF CONTACT: Contact with questions or concerns about incidents of bullying.

  • Cherelyn Poe, Assistant Principal Grades K-5

SPECIAL EDUCATION COORDINATOR: Contact with questions about services for students with disabilities including IEPs and evaluations.

  • Alicia Square, Dean of Student Support

NURSE: Contact for information about health services or with specific questions about dietary requirements, allergies and/or medication.

  • Teri Chartier, School Nurse

SOCIAL WORKER / COUNSELOR: Contact with questions about counseling and support services.

  • Brittney Thomas, School Social Worker


  • Theresa Schmitt, School Leader/Principal
  • Sharon Marcus, Assistant Principal Grades K-2
  • Lindsay Bardes, Assistant Principal Grades 3-5




KIPP Central City Primary builds the academic, social, emotional, and spiritual foundations that our students will need to pursue higher education, create their best selves, and have the POWER to transform their world. KCCP students will display a deep love of learning, belief in their own ability, empathy for others, and the POWER to transform their world.


If there is a problem, we look for a solution.
If there is a better way, we find it.
If a teammate needs help, we give.
If we need help, we ask.


I am a KIPPster. I am the future.
I will choose to make it a great day. I will choose to work hard and be nice.
I will look for solutions. I will find a better way.
I will help my teammates today.


We are the future. We ARE KIPPSTERS! And I’m going to college in 2026, 2027, 2028, 2029, and 2030!


Our values spell out the word POWER so that students will internalize the message that they have the POWER to overcome challenges and accomplish their goals. The values allow teachers and students to have a common language around expectations and create a sense of purpose among our children.

Power: We show our POWER by being here to learn and making our school a better place.

Persist: We work hard, even when things are difficult.

Own your actions: We are responsible for our own choices.

Work Together: We help teammates learn by focusing & following directions.

Expect the Best: We do our best in all things.

Reflect and Grow: We try hard and we learn from our mistakes.

Two KCCP students working at their deskATTENDANCE

Regular attendance at school is a primary factor in student success. We believe that in order for students to succeed, they must attend school and arrive on time. The following section outlines policies and procedures governing attendance.


Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday: 8:15 a.m. - 4:15 p.m.

Wednesday 8:15 a.m. - 2:15 p.m.


Students may be dropped off as early as 8:15 a.m. to enter the school through the front door. Children will not be allowed in the building and may not wait outside before 8:15 a.m. and KIPP Central City Primary is not responsible for children dropped off before 8:15 a.m. During arrival students may be dropped off at the front of the school on Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. Scholars must be dropped off at KIPP Central City Primary no later than 8:30 a.m. to be marked present/on time.
In the afternoon, you may drive your vehicle on MLK Jr. Blvd and we will bring your KIPPster to your vehicle. Students not picked up after school by 4:30 p.m. on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays (and 2:30 p.m. on Wednesdays) will be considered a late pickup, and parents/guardians will be contacted and the incident will be documented. If the issue persists, families will be referred to our social worker.


Student behavior is as important on the bus as it is in the classroom. Students must exhibit “Panther Pride,” and act safely on their busses at all times. Our school buses are a privilege that can be lost.

If a student loses the privilege of riding the bus, the school can offer RTA bus tokens for transportation, when it is appropriate. The following expectations will be strictly enforced to ensure bus safety.


  • Stay seated.
  • Maintain quiet voice.
  • Be kind and respectful.
  • Keep pencils and cell phones in your backpack.
  • There is no food or drink allowed on the bus.



KCCP’s Student Culture Vision is for our students develop skills and habits that ensure they:

  • Have pride in and ownership over the school community
  • Meet high behavioral standards for excellence
  • Are respectful and use restorative practices


Students will have an opportunity to earn 10 paw prints (K-2) or dollars (3rd-5th) each day, 5 in the morning and 5 in the afternoon. We have several strategies to encourage and reinforce positive student behavior. Our PBIS system (positive behavior intervention and support) includes rewards for positive behavior and a clear system to support students.

There will be school-wide culminating celebrations every 6 weeks (school dances, talent show, bounce houses, dress up/dress down). s a grade level, there will be weekly celebrations for students who have meet the goal numbers with their clips/paychecks. tudents can earn a clip move up/additional dollars for the following behaviors:

  • Using polite words
  • Owning actions without prompting
  • Keeping our community clean
  • Solving problems peacefully
  • Being up-standers
  • Ignoring distractions


Prior to moving a clip (PK-2) or giving a deduction (3rd-4th), teachers will use many strategies (positive narration, proximity, etc.) to get students back on track. Below are student behaviors that will earn deductions:

Level 1 Infraction

  • One Clip Move/ $-1 Deduction Level 2 Infraction
  • Failure to comply after a reminder (Uniforms, line, voice level)
  • Refusal to do work after reminder or countdown
  • Unkind words
  • Distraction to teammates


Level 2 Infraction

  • Two Clip Move/ $-3 Deduction
  • Disruptive interactions (Yelling, arguing publicly)
  • Disruptive reactions (stomping, pouting, mild tantrum)
  • Humiliation/Belittling of classmates
  • Physical confrontation (i.e. shoving, grabbing, pushing)
  • Profanity towards teammates
  • Failure to comply after two warnings
  • Minor Theft (Markers, Sticky notes, classroom treats)
  • Wrong place/wrong time
  • Walking out of class without permission
  • Failure to turn in cell phone to teacher


Level 3 Infraction

  • 3 Clip Move/ $-5 Deduction
  • Threat to teammate safety
  • Defacing property
  • Gross and persistent disrespect towards teacher
  • Threat to classroom safety
  • Inappropriate touching
  • Physical violence (fighting, kicking, stabbing)
  • Major Theft (Money, Equipment, Devices, Clothing)
  • Attempting to leave the building


Below is a list of consequences that will align to the severity of the student’s actions:

  • Lunch/recess detention
  • Removal from the community
  • Loss of Privilege for extended periods
  • Community Violation – student receives 5 or more deductions
  • Referral to Behavior Interventionists/Administration
  • Parent Conference
  • Suspension



The purpose of our dress code is to ensure that students are able to fully focus their attention on their education while they are at school.  Uniforms can be purchased through Logo Express. Each parent/guardian will ensure that his/her child is in uniform at all times when they are in the school building.

The required portion of our uniform is a KCCP shirt. Our uniform consists of an option of two shirts: Polo (navy or gold) or Peter pan/oxford shirt (soft yellow).

Scholars will wear navy or plaid pants, shorts, skirts and jumpers. All pants, skirts and shorts must be an appropriate size and fit. Baggy pants and pants that are too long or big around the waist will not be allowed. Skirts and shorts must be worn at the knee.
Scholars will wear a plain black belt without logo, design, or graphics. The belt should have a simple buckle.

Scholars will wear a KIPP Central City Primary polo shirt that is tucked in (waistband should be visible). Undershirts need to be solid white, black or gray.

As the weather gets colder,  can wear big coats to school, but only wear uniform sweatshirts or sweaters inside the school.

Earrings must be studs or very short hanging. Scholars may only wear small chain necklaces inside their shirt.

Scholars will not wear hats, bandanas, or other head coverings in the school building.

Scholars may not wear artificial nails, fake tattoos, or make-up.

We do not have a policy about the color or type of shoes students must wear. We do ask that students wear closed toed shoes that are appropriate for playing on the playground and being active in P.E. class.  Students in PK and Kindergarten MUST wear velcro shoes.  Shoe laces are not allowed for these scholars.

Parents will be notified of uniform violations if scholars arrive to school without meeting all uniform expectations. If a parent is unable to bring a change of clothing to meet all uniform requirements, a scholar will change into school borrowed articles of clothing, including shoes, as necessary to maintain uniform expectations.


At KIPP Central City Primary, we use a combination of the Common Core State Standards, Louisiana Grade-Level Expectations, and the Next Generation Science Standards, and as our academic standards. All of our assessments are based off of these standards and all academic grades will be based on scholars’ performance on these standards.

Our Math, Reading, and Writing curriculums are based off of the Common Core State Standards

Our Social Studies curriculum is based off of the Louisiana GLEs.

Our Science curriculum is based off of the Next Generation Science Standards.

Our Arts curriculum is based off of national standards and self-created by our music and drama teacher.

Our Sports curriculum is self-created by our sports teacher with guiding input from KIPP programs across the country.


KIPP Central City Primary issues official report cards on a quarterly basis, as well as progress reports at various times throughout the quarter. We encourage families to be in frequent communication about academic progress with teachers prior to receiving official report cards.

Report cards will be directly linked to KIPP Central City Primary Standards. The grading scale is based on the students’ mastery of the content standard as well as growth made on our standardized assessments (Oral Reading Fluency Assessment & MAP Assessment). Student behavior and effort will also be reported on the report cards under character grades.

Kindergarten and First Grade use the following grading scale:
  • A – Exceeds grade level expectations
  • B – Meets grade level expectations
  • IP – In Progress toward meeting grade level expectations
  • NI – Needs Improvement to meet grade level expectations
  • U- Unsatisfactory performance, child is far below grade level expectations


Second–Fifth Grade use the following scale:

  • A: 90 – 100%
  • B: 80 – 89%
  • C: 70 – 79%
  • D: 60 – 69%
  • F: 59% or lower



One of the keys to success at KIPP Central City Primary is the partnership between families and school. This partnership is important because it sends the message to our scholars that education and school is important. Having a family member that is involved in helping with homework and reading at home is a great way to support your child through school.

 As our scholars begin to “Climb the Mountain to College” we ask families to have daily involvement in their academic and behavior progress. At KIPP Central City Primary we expect the following things to take place EVERY DAY:

  • Scholar homework is to be completed by the scholar EVERY NIGHT. No excuses. No shortcuts.
  • Scholar reads with a family member EVERY NIGHT for at least 20 minutes.
  • A family member MUST fill out the KCCP Reading Log in the homework folder EVERY NIGHT.
  • A family member must sign the Classroom Behavior Chart or Paycheck Update EVERY NIGHT for a child to get full credit for homework.
  • School newsletters, notes, flyers, and reminders need to be read and responded to when necessary.

Families are required to check all homework assignments and sign that they have done so on the Daily Log every night once the assignments are complete. If a child is having a problem completing the homework assigned, parents and students are welcome to call their child’s teacher for assistance.

Missing/Incomplete Homework: If a student does not do an assignment or hands in an incomplete assignment, the student may lose privileges during the school day, including recess and free choice time.

All of these expectations are in place to ensure that your child has the greatest opportunity to succeed at KIPP Central City Primary. We look forward to partnering with all of our families to ensure that their child is successful academically and behaviorally this year. We appreciate your support and dedication to your child’s education.


Cell phones will be turned in before instruction begins, kept in a secure place, and returned at the end of the school day. Students will not have access to their phones during the day. If a student does not turn in his/her phone and is seen with it, s/he will receive a deduction and the phone will be taken up. If a student continues to repeat this behavior, the phone will be taken up and a family member will need to come to school to retrieve it. KNOS is not responsible for lost, damaged or stolen cell phones.


We are excited to expand programming options this year. We will have a complete list of new activities, the coach/director, and the tryout/application process during Back to School Night in August. As opportunities arise across the year (ie Talent Show), we will give a notice to families in the newsletter.


KIPP Central City Primary values the partnership between families and school staff, and appreciates the support provided by families for various school events, ceremonies, celebrations, activities, and more. Feedback and involvement from parents and guardians are key to fulfilling our promise to prepare our scholars to go to and through college.


KIPP Central City Primary recognizes that birthday celebrations are often a valued opportunity for families to be involved at school. Birthday celebrations are allowed at KCCP as long as date/time are approved in advance by teachers. Learning is our first priority, so we ask that families honor approved times for celebrations. A healthy diet is important in children’s development, so we ask families to keep this in mind in choosing any food items.

Breakfast and lunch will be provided daily to scholars. If scholars choose to eat breakfast at home, it must be completed at home. They will not be allowed to bring their personal breakfast into the school building, and food is not allowed on the bus. Your child will be given this breakfast or lunch unless s/he brings lunch from home or we receive specific dietary restrictions from a parent or doctor. In addition to breakfast and lunch, scholars will receive an afternoon snack on all full length school days with a 3:40 p.m. dismissal.

Eating healthy is important to maximizing learning time and maintaining energy throughout the day. Chips/hot cheetohs/flavored water/cold drinks/sports drinks/noodles/candy are not permitted on campus. They will not be allowed to eat it at school or on the bus and often causes distraction if it lost. If scholars bring these items on campus, they will be confiscated and not returned. Students may bring lunch from home, but please make sure it is a complete, nutritious meal. If this affects their meal for breakfast or lunch, scholars will be given a school meal.

Unless a note from a doctor indicates specific dietary restrictions, scholars are unable to microwave or heat up food at school. If food that needs to be heated up is brought to school, scholars will be given a school meal.

Please inform the school if your child has any food allergies.


In order to save families the time and effort of purchasing schools supplies, KIPP Central City Primary asks families to pay $30 per child for our annual supply fee. This fee covers all the paper, pencils, folders, binders, and in-class materials that your child will need for the school year. All fees are due by September 30. Payment plans are available by calling the school at 504-373-6290.